My pup’s name is Jenny. I love her.

There’s that word... love. We use it to describe things we absolutely adore – things we think we might not even be able to live without. Well maybe I could, in theory, live with Jenny (I’ll probably have to someday), but I certainly don’t want to think about it.

I want to keep my girl safe. She’s a Soft-Coated Wheaton Terrier. The name’s a mouthful, just like she is, but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying our time together – every moment of it. I know every pet owner feels the same way I do about their own dog or cat or lizard. Our pets, after all, are family.

So here are some quick and practical tips on relocating with animals from Quality Moving & Storage. They’re guaranteed to make your journey, wherever it takes you, safer and more efficient for you and your animal companion.

1. Policies Differ from Airline to Airline.

Most airlines will let you fly with a small animal if they can fit in a specially designed carry-on case. This is not a hard rule though. Therefore, to avoid a stressful incident at the airport, don’t forget to call ahead and double check their specific rules and regulations.

2. Rest stops are few and far between.

If you’re about to embark on a long ride with your dog – whether it’s down state or across the country – you should really know where the rest stops are along your route. Sure your dog can hold it, but if she doesn’t, well, it’s going to be bad.

3. Eat light. Travel right.

I don’t think you should starve your animal. No. However, I do suggest skipping a meal or two before the trip. This way if it does happen that you’re unable to get to an open field, Sparky doesn’t use your backseat as a bull’s-eye. Instead of a full mean, satisfy your pet’s hunger with well-timed snacks.

4. Animals and movers don’t mix. 

Make sure your animals are in a part of the house that won’t interfere with the movers’ work. Carrying heavy furniture with a puppy running under your feet can spell disaster!

5. Attention. Attention. Attention.

Although moving day is hectic and stressful, we should all still find time to give our pets the attention they deserve. Transitioning can be a very confusing and disorienting experience for animals – a little attention can go a long way.

For more tips on how to move with pets from the New York City movers at Quality Moving, contact us at 631.392.7077 and we'll be happy to answer all your questions!