Are you ready to move? Moving is more than jus throwing a few things in a box, calling the professionals and then moving into a new home. It takes planning! For those who don’t plan, they will find that moving day can be a huge headache…along with being a huge stressor in their life! Being organized is the key to any successful move, and we have a few tips that can help you stay organized!

-Have a notebook, folder or binder that is dedicated to the move

-Inside of this notebook, folder or binder be sure to note dates, keep receipts or anything else that is related to the move

-The essentials in your home are the last thing to pack! Put these into a box that is covered in My Little Pony stickers or has a huge red X on it. Make it stand out so that you know it does not go with the movers.

-Never move something that you don’t need. Arrange with a store to pick these up, as Salvation Army or Goodwill will often come and get those larger items if you are donating them.

-Broken toys? Don’t pack them…throw them away and move on.

-Keep extra pens, tape and the like on hand. There is nothing more annoying than having to run out to get these items when you could be packing!

-Don’t skimp on the professional services offered by the moving company. Never go into a move thinking that you don’t need help. Take the help and learn from the best!

For those who are ready to move in the Long Island area, we are here for you! Give us a call and set up a time to help you get your move underway.