When the pandemic was just starting, many people went out and stocked up on food. And for this reason, more people purchased a spare freezer that they kept in their basement, extra room, in the garage, etc. These freezers can be rather difficult to move since they are so big and bulky. Luckily, here at Quality Moving & Storage, we can handle moving this freezer for you, but there are a few things that you are going to need to do to ensure that we can move this safely and efficiently.

Empty the Freezer

You must empty the freezer! A full freezer is going to be heavier to move, and near impossible if moving this out of a basement. If you consider how much frozen food can weigh, you are talking about an additional few hundred pounds when this is not empty. Secondly, you are going to find that moving a freezer with food in it can actually cause interior damage to the freezer as it can dent the sides. Third of all, you are going to find that the food is not going to stay frozen when the freezer is moved since it will have no power. Thus, you could be looking at tons of damaged food!

Defrost the Freezer

You are going to want to defrost the freezer before movers take this. In most cases, you are going to find that if you take the food out, unplug this, the freezer will start to defrost on its own. How long will this take? This truly depends upon the freezer. If you have a lot of thick ice in there, it could take several days. Most of the time thought 24 hours is sufficient for defrosting a freezer.

Clean the Freezer

Depending upon how long your freezer is going to be on the truck or even put into storage, means that you could face an odd smell coming from this freezer if you were to not clean it. We recommend that after defrosting this, you ensure all the water is out and then use a safe cleaner on the insides of this freezer. Plus, you will find that there is nothing better than moving into a new home and the freezer being clean, smelling great, and ready to go!