What is the one word that comes to mind when people think about moving? Stress! There is a reason that moving is considered one of the top three most stressful events a person can have. So the real question is how to stay sane while moving?

Luckily, thanks to our years of experience in the moving industry, we know how to help you during a move to avoid feeling as though you have lost your mind!

1.  Get the logistics taken care of first. This means contacting the moving company handling your move, getting the final dates for when the move will happen, the route you will take to get to your new home, etc. The key to this is to have all the plans laid out and ready to go!

2.  Create checklists of items that you need to do. This will include all those items you need to pack, who to call about your move, making sure that the bills are transferred, interest is set up at your new home, and the like.

3.  Give yourself plenty of time! The more time that you have, the more you can go slowly and correctly when it comes to moving. Plus, a move that is forced into a small time frame is often one of the main reasons people feel so much stress as things are happening too fast.

4.  Stay hydrated and eat well. It can be hard to do this because you are probably more concerned about getting your items packed and the like. However, being hydrated and eating well is all a part of maintaining your sanity!

5.  Take breaks when needed. And if you think you can keep going all day, remember that by not taking breaks, you will burn yourself out -- not only physically but mentally as well!

Ultimately, keeping your sanity during a move is much easier when you have professional movers on your side. Be sure to contact us here at Quality Moving & Storage when you are preparing for a move so that we can help you!