What do you feel once you have moved into a new home? Chances are the boxes are still everywhere, it is quiet, and you may feel as though you are disorientated. You have an uneasy feeling that we all have had at one point in time. How can you get over this feeling and feel more at home?
Read MoreAny kind of household move in Nassau County can be a challenge, but it’s even harder when you’re combining households.
Read MoreMoving is a stressful time, we all know this. And a big part of what makes moving a stressful event is the packing. Why is packing so hard? In most cases, people are making a lot of mistakes. And they may be making these mistakes without truly knowing it.
Read MoreAre you taking a vacation this summer? Many people are looking to take a vacation as the warmer weather is here and the kids are out of school.
Read MoreIt is warming up out there and many people throughout the US are experiencing some above the average temperatures. Along with hot weather comes an increased chance of thunderstorms.
Read MoreAre you planning a move to Long Island? Or perhaps you have already moved in! You will find that there are tons of things to do and see while living on Long Island, that make it a great option for those who want to live in an active location!
Read MoreOne of the most popular questions that we are asked from those who are looking to move, is it possible to save money when moving? The answer is yes, you can save some money when moving with the proper planning and other tips that we will examine! So, how can you save money when moving?
Read MoreAre you ready to move? Moving is more than jus throwing a few things in a box, calling the professionals and then moving into a new home. It takes planning! For those who don’t plan, they will find that moving day can be a huge headache…along with being a huge stressor in their life!
Read MoreA new trend in the moving world is minimalist moving. Is this for you? What does this entail? These are all questions that we want to answer for you! Minimalist moving is defined as being a way to move with less.
Read MoreMoving is a process that many people dread. Not only do they dread the idea of having to pack all their belongings into boxes, but they also dread how much of a mess this causes.
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